Friday, March 28, 2008

Experiments in Animation

Lately I have been using the fabulous software, Mathematica, to create zonogonal tilings, and then to export the tilings to the free ray-tracing software, POV-Ray. This is nice enough in itself, but since I have been using spline curves in POV-Ray to animate objects and/or camera location, it must follow that I zoom around over the tilings, that I make a spotlight follow along the spline curve, and so on and so forth.

The tilings arise from my implementation of the "generalized dual method," in which an arrangement of lines leads to a zonogonal tiling. Although the lines may be randomly oriented, typically one chooses a set of symmetry vectors, and creates a "grid" of some number of lines perpendicular to each of the vectors.

Here is another example of such a tiling.

Well, I wished to add more images here, but Blogger seems to degenerate into an infinite loop of inactivity. After waiting twenty minutes for an image to upload, enough is enough.

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