Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tessellations Upon a Theme by Archimedes

The nine vectors which determine the Archimedean Truncated Cuboctahedron may be used to form tilings, using the Generalized Dual Method. Here two different tilings, each arising from 3*9=27 planes, are gradually built up, from an axis of 3-fold symmetry, outward. The first has a central region tiled by Truncated Cuboctahedra, Cubes, and Truncated Octahedra. The second has a central region tiled by Truncated Cuboctahedra and Octagonal Prisms.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! Eu estava pesquisando sobre a arte de Mucha, então encontrei o blog da Patricia e acabei lendo seus comentários e vim ver o seu video...e achei muito bom! E, como você, também adoro a obra do "poetinha" Vinicius de Moraes...sempre fico feliz ao saber que os grandes nomes da arte do meu país são reconhecidos pelo mundo...obrigada! xoxo~Juliana.